
As we honor our past, celebrate the present and innovate for the future, Team Dow remains committed to using science to make the world a better place. Learn how we’ve innovated for people and the planet for over a century.

Dive deeper into Dow’s history

ship at sea

How do you mine an ocean?

Simple. With chemistry. Dow has a long history of appreciating the oceans and seas as drivers of innovation and sustainable growth.

H.H. Dow looks inspects a growing tree

Sustainability is our second nature

Our mission has always been to create better products for society, better ways to make them and a better understanding of the chemistry that makes them possible.

Dr. James Franklin Hyde at a chalkboard

The "Father of Silicones"

Dr. James Franklin Hyde kick-started an industry by investigating the possibilities of developing plastics with the properties of glass in 1930.

old texas graphic

Everything's bigger in Texas

Dow’s Freeport site is the company’s largest in the world—and was willed into shape by the first leader of Dow’s Texas Division, the dauntless “Dutch” Beutel.

The roots of Dow: Interactive timeline

Delve into our company roots and find out how it all began, discover key historical milestones, and learn how we got where we are today.

Watch these short animations about our founder, Herbert H. Dow, and the formative years of our company.

old images from Early Promise video

Early promise

From boyhood to company founder, H.H. Dow had a mindset to always “do it better.”

old drawings from Bromine Breakthrough video

Bromine breakthrough

Learn how the company’s first breakthrough patent laid the groundwork for future success.

map of midland from Treasure from an Ancient Sea video

Treasure from an ancient sea

Ever wonder why Dow started in Midland, Michigan? Discover why a hidden treasure beneath the ground led to the ideal location to start a company.

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