Dow provides health, safety and environmental information to our direct product receivers through documents called Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and product labels. These documents are required by law in many countries in which Dow does business; however, Dow provides them even where they are not required because we believe they are an essential element in protecting public health and the environment.
Dow develops and distributes SDS and labels for all products in compliance with the jurisdictional requirements and standards of all geographical areas where it produces and/or sells products. Dow's internal standards require the development and distribution of SDS and labels for products even when there are no local requirements to do so. Local hazard communication requirements are interpreted by local Dow regulatory specialists who are familiar with those requirements. The requirements are then incorporated into global Dow standards and processes for generation and maintenance of SDS and labels.
The development of SDS and labels is supported by specialists in all important subject areas, such as toxicology, ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry, industrial hygiene, medicine, reactivity and flammability. Each person involved in the compilation of SDS for Dow products has received appropriate training (internally and/or externally), including periodic refresher training.
High-quality regulatory databases are available to Dow personnel involved in the hazard assessment of products and in the creation of hazard communication documents. These databases ensure availability of the most up-to-date regulatory information for Dow employees, as well as consistency of information conveyed to our customers in our SDSs and other product literature.
New information and changing regulatory requirements are continuously assessed and incorporated as expeditiously as reasonably possible into the Dow processes and standards, resulting in regular updating of our SDS and labels. The most significant international regulatory development has been the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS), created by the United Nations. GHS is designed to replace the various classification and labeling standards used in different countries by using consistent criteria for classification and labeling. Implementation began in 2010 in Japan and continues with implementation continuing in the U.S. and Europe in 2015.
Through dedicated systems and processes, the SDS and labels are distributed to all customers and updates are submitted as expeditiously as reasonably possible when new data and knowledge has resulted in significant changes of their contents. Suggestions on improvements to our SDS documents and labels are always welcome.
Every Dow product has a Safety Data Sheet. Search for Products.