Medium to high efficiency silicone surfactant for flexible polyurethane slabstock foam, with excellent bulk stabilization and compatibility with different blowing agents. Compatible with high filler content.
Low to Medium efficiency silicone surfactant for production of a wide variety of flexible slabstock foam, including viscoleastic (TDI / MDI). Provides exceptional performance for combustion modified flame retardant (FR) foams, and high-density foams.
New silicone surfactant for high ethylene oxide, rich polyol (cell opener) flexible polyurethane systems and for alternate blowing agent foams. Well suited for low- to medium-density foams.
High bulk stabilization and high cell regulation silicone surfactant for high resilience (HR) flexible polyurethane slabstock foam. Well suited for low-density foams or foams with high co-polymer polyol content.