Bow view of loaded cargo ship sailing out of port

Marine Equipment

Marine equipment that provides asset reliability and systems performance.

Boost efficiency with service solutions for the marine industry

Extreme maritime conditions can result in difficult maintenance work, time-consuming repair, and expensive days in port or stopped on the high seas. From port infrastructure to vessels of all types and sizes, the challenges for reliability-focused service and maintenance are considerable. Extreme heat and cold, harsh operating conditions, extreme loading, vibration and corrosive atmosphere all demand quality materials.

Marine equipment applications

We can help maintain asset reliability and systems performance. Potential solutions from Dow to help you boost efficiency include:

Dark shyshark, haploblepharus pictus and puffer shark swimming, South Africa.

Instrumentation, Gearboxes and Stowage Compartments

Meet your application needs with solutions that deliver bonding and sealing performance.

A large school of Bigeye jacks, Caranx sexfasciatus, swims in Palau.

Sealing and Coating Flanges and Bolted Connections 

Explore Dow’s sealing and coating flanges and bolted connections applications that can help meet all your marine needs. 

Explore solutions for seagoing vessels and support infrastructure

Adhesives and sealants from Dow can withstand vibration, heat, cold and weathering to maintain bonding and sealing strength.

Get the benefit of technology-driven solutions from Dow to meet equipment and maintenance challenges in the marine industry. We are ready to go to work for you with specialty products, collaborative problem-solving and customized services and support.

DOWSIL™ 733 Glass & Metal Sealant

Conventional acetoxy RTV sealant with adhesion promoter for use in OEM bonding and sealing applications, including appliances, heavy duty equipment, marine equipment and recreational vehicles.

Speak to an expert

We are committed to connecting you with experts and resources to tackle any challenge.