Colorful cobblestone road pavement and lawn

Specialty Coatings for Architectural Applications

Small wooden cabin house in the evening. Exterior design.

Specialty coatings for wood, concrete, and more

From paints and primers to stains and sealers, our coatings scientists constantly discover solutions for top-selling products across a diverse range of specialty applications.

Our portfolio is fine-tuned for specific customer needs, including high gloss, UV/fade or corrosion resistance, ease of use, or lower VOC. Our scientists know the dials they need to turn to make your product successful.

No matter what, our top priority is enabling products that have a positive impact on people and a minimal impact on the environment. 

Specialty Coatings

Explore our full range of available specialty coatings for architectural applications.

Premium exterior wood coatings

Explore our different solutions for solid color and semi-transparent wood stains, wood and concrete restoration coatings, tannin blocking performance, and color retention over wood.

Gloss and trim paint durability

Discover our performance enhancing solutions for gloss and trim challenges such as high dirt resistance, alkyd replacement, hardness and block resistance.

Concrete coatings

Our high performing concrete coatings include basement and sub surface waterproofing, garage floor and paver block, and sealers.

Paint and primer in one

Our multi-surface adhesion primers, stain blocking systems, and top-coat property solutions for paint and primer formulations offer a range of paint and primer performance.

Computer screen exploding with colorful liquid coming out of it.

Formulate with DOW™ Paint Vision

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