Black car interior with foam seats

Molded Polyurethane Foam Additives

Dashboard in car 

Molded foam additives for improved quality, performance and innovation

Silicone additives from Dow can be used in many flexible molded foam applications:

  • MDI and TDI molded foam systems
  • Cold-cure and high-density MDI molded foam systems
  • Energy-absorbing NVH systems and cell-opening
MDITDI/MDITDILow EmissionCo-surfactant RecommendedPotencyRecommended 
Use (PPH)
VORASURF™ DC 3042 Additive
--✓✓✓+++YesExtremely high 0.2-0.6
VORASURF™ DC 5164 Additive
--✓✓✓-YesVery high0.2-1.0
VORASURF™ DC 6070 Additive
-✓✓✓✓✓✓--Medium high0.5-0.8
VORASURF™ HR 7053 Additive
-✓✓✓✓✓✓+++-Medium high0.2-0.8
VORASURF™ TF 1348 Additive
-✓✓✓✓✓✓+++-Medium high0.2-0.8
VORASURF™ DC 5043 Additive
VORASURF™ DC 3043 Additive
VORASURF™ DC 2584 Additive
✓✓✓✓••+-Medium high0.5-1.0
VORASURF™ DC 2585 Additive

••• Strongly recommended as co-surfactant •• Recommended as co-surfactant • Can be used as co-surfactant

✓✓✓ Strongly recommended for application ✓✓ Recommended for application ✓ Can use for application

Graph with foam openness axis and a foam stabilization axis with various Vorasurf products plotted
Inside of car

VORASURF™ Silicone Polyurethane Additives

Explore our full range of polyurethane additives and surfactants.

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