Electric Vehicle being charged

Microcellular and Mechanical Froth Foam Additives

Additives for improving microcellular and mechanical froth polyurethane foam performance

Reliable solutions for quality, performance and innovation.

Silicone additives from Dow can be used in many microcellular and mechanical froth foam applications:

generic electric car x-ray with battery charging at public charger in city parking lot 3d illustration

E-Mobility Polyurethane Foams

Enhancing compression pads and cushions for EV batteries. 

Sport shoes running closeup

Footwear and Carpet Backing

Medium and high efficiency surfactants that allow precise cell structure.

Bonding sheets of thermal insulation.

Integral Skin and Mechanical Froth Foams

Non-hydrolyzable surfactants with broad formula compatibility.

EV products


Shoe Sole DensityMicrocellularMechanical frothEV Battery Pads & Cushion
VORASURF™ SZ 1952 Additive
VORASURF™ SZ 1959 Additive
VORASURF™ TF 1598 Additive

High-quality silicone additives portfolio

Shoe Sole DensityMicrocellularMechanical frothEV Battery Pads & Cushion

VORASURF™ DC 1990 Additive





VORASURF™ DC 193 Additive




VORASURF™ DC 5043 Additive





VORASURF™ TF 1771 Additive



VORASURF™ DC 3042 Additive



VORASURF™ DC 3043 Additive



VORASURF™ DC 5179 Additive



VORASURF™ TF 3607 Additive





VORASURF™ SZ 1605 Additive





 = Attribute present in product

Electric Vehicle being charged

VORASURF™ Silicone Polyurethane Additives

Explore our full range of polyurethane additives and surfactants.

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