Acid Gas Removal for Refinery Process
Minimize cost and amine losses in gas treating
In every unique refinery process, tailored needs often require distinctive products for efficient oil recovery and effective cost management. These specialized offerings are inclusive of formulated amines and chelates, playing a pivotal role in optimizing oil recovery and treating gas.
Particularly, in the aspect of acid gas removal, we have solution offerings like UCARSOL™ and SELEXOL™ Solvents. These are not just purposefully designed for this crucial oil and gas industry requirement but are also known for consistently attaining the acid gas removal specifications sought by industry professionals.
Having been endorsed by over 1,000 references globally, their efficacy has proven to be undoubted. This commendable level of reliability ensures that your operations can hit peak performance when it comes to oil recovery and acid gas removal - all achieved via the use of well-placed, top-notch treatments such as amines, chelates, and our premium solvents.
UCARSOL™ Formulated Solvents
UCARSOL™ solvents are designed for enhanced removal of H2S, CO2 and organic sulfur beyond the capabilities of traditional amines. The solvents are specially formulated for applications in gas and liquid treating to achieve your product specification.
SELEXOL™ Solvent & Booster
SELEXOL™ solvents and solvent booster are designed to provide effective and economical bulk CO2 removal and selective absorption of H2S, COS, mercaptans, or BTEX from a variety of natural and synthesis gas streams.
Your choice of amine plays a significant role in performance
A formulated amine, selected for your specific liquid hydrocarbon and gas streams, can help:
Take advantage of services to optimize your gas treating performance
Our experience with converting solvents on-the-run will help reduce downtime when switching to UCARSOL™ or SELEXOL™ Solvents.
After conversion, complimentary lab and engineering services can help you further optimize performance. You’ll gain access to in-house simulations, pilot plants, analytical reports, a simple-to-use online platform for improved visibility and faster decision making, and more. You can also model our most commonly used solvents in commercial software packages – ProMax® and ProTreat.
Our lab capabilities
See our analytical testing and R&D capabilities available for UCARSOL™ Solvent customers.
Chemical cleaning treatment
Interested in knowing about gas treating specialty solvents?
Refining more value – Get more out of your operations with specialty solutions and services
Explore how a refinery reduced $1.1MM in operating costs and how another saved $1.7MM in steam usage.
System cleanup with UCARKLEAN™ solutions results in trouble-free amine conversion and startup
Explore how UCARKLEAN™ AC and DS solutions helped reduce solvent losses in a refinery and led to successful start-up with a new amine.

Let’s work together to understand your needs and find the optimal solution.